New Work

My Life

My Naivete

My Fight

My Anger

My Pain

My Blood

My Mourning

My Acceptance
This is a new series that I've just recently completed for a graduate class that I'm taking. They may be available in my Etsy shop at a later date as prints.
They are all collage on wood. I've combined both digital and traditional collage work on these pieces.


  1. Wow. I love your work! What does the bunny represent?

    It'd mean a lot to me if you could take a look at my site (also mixed media). www.

    I'll def. keep checking back though, I'm a huge fan :)

  2. Thanks Nikki.
    The bunnies in this particular series represent the innocent parts of our personalities. Which is why I chose to use different rabbits in each collage....we all have multiple parts of us that are still somewhat innocent and naive. Sometimes these parts die due to our life experiences while others remain intact.


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Linkie ♥
